Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Mon - Sat: 8.00am - 5.00pm

Simethicone U.S.P, Dill Oil B.P, Fennel Oil U.S.P, and Sucrose Base syrup are commonly used in combination as a medication for relieving symptoms associated with digestive discomfort, particularly related to excessive gas in the gastrointestinal tract.


1. Simethicone: oral anti-foaming & ant flatulent agent that works by reducing the surface tension of gas bubbles, allowing them to combine and be expelled more easily. It helps to relieve symptoms such as bloating, belching, and flatulence.
2. Dill Oil & Fennel Oil: herbal medicines derived from the seeds of the respective plants. They have soothening & carminative properties, which means they can help reduce gas and alleviate digestive discomfort. These oils may also have mild antispasmodic effects, helping to relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract & promote the passage of food through the intestines.
3. Sucrose Base: serves as the vehicle for delivering the active ingredients (simethicone, dill oil, and fennel oil) in a palatable form. It provides a pleasant taste and texture to the syrup.



A. Relief of Gas and Bloating: Colvee ® colic syrup alleviate symptoms associated with excessive gas in the gastrointestinal tract. It can help reduce bloating, belching, & flatulence.
B. Discomfort after Meals: colvee ® colic drops is often taken to relieve digestive discomfort that occurs after consuming gas-forming foods or in conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
C. colvee ® colic drops can also be used to help relieve colic in infants, as it helps reduce gas-related discomfort.


  •  Infants below 6 months – 0.5 ml before each feed.
  •  6-12 months – 0.5ml before each feed. Dosage may be increased to 2 droppers full(1ml).
  •  Children over 1 year –1ml drops before each feed