Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Mon - Sat: 8.00am - 5.00pm

Colvee® Mouthwash Solution

Kills the bacteria responsible for causing bad breath while making your mouth feel cleaner and fresher.
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Features & Benefits
0.2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate
Pleasant-tasting mouthwash

- Reduces bacteria, yeast, fungi & viruses.
- Recommended option for gingivitis (swelling, redness, bleeding gums),
- Fights bad breath.
- Soothes the entire mouth.
COLVEE® MOUTHWASH is good at getting in the small spaces between teeth, where toothbrushes cannot reach.
COLVEE® MOUTHWASH has been shown to reduce the accumulation of plaque, prevent gingivitis, reduce the risk of periodontal disease.
COLVEE® MOUTHWASH kills the bacteria responsible for causing bad breath while making your mouth feel cleaner and fresher.
Colvee Mouthwash-the-cheapest-mouthwash-in-Kenya
Get's in small spaces toothbrushes can't
Kills all bacteria causing gum disease
Scientifically-backed Product
Alicton Limited

Preparing to go the Supplement way?
What you need to know.

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Scientifically Backed Product