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Delivers powerful, triple immune support.
Helps you & your family stay healthy.

Are You Getting The Daily Recommended Vitamin C, D3 And Zinc?

Immunity Booster And Nutritional Supplement

Vitamin C, D3 and Zinc

Vitamin C is one of the most popular vitamins, especially in winter when colds and flu are most prominent.
Combining vitamin C, D3, and zinc is primarily used to give a joint boost to immunity, prevent nutritional deficiencies, fighting against various infections & diseases.
• Vitamin C:
Antioxidant that prevents cell damage.
Enhances iron absorption from foods, zinc and boosts immunity.
Promote growth and repair of tissues by enhancing collagen synthesis.
• Vitamin D3:
Maintains blood calcium and phosphorus levels and mineralisation of bone.
Treats and prevents bone disorders, such as rickets and osteomalacia.
Supports strong bones & teeth.
• Zinc:
Mineral promoting the growth and development of body tissues.
Essential for vision, fighting against rhinoviruses (that cause the common cold), immune function, bone metabolism, taste, wound healing, insulin production, blood clotting and thyroid function.

Groups at risk of inadequacy

• Vitamin C:
Busy lifestyle leading to poor diet choices, Rheumatic fever, Burns, Diarrhea,
Increased body weight, Bariatric surgery, Elderly (nutrient absorption decline in older adults),
Alcoholism, Smoking increases the vitamin C requirement by 30%, Chronic diseases & infections: pneumonia, TB, sinusitis
• Vitamin D3:
Dark skinned produce less vitamin D in the skin, Inadequate sun exposure,
Increased use of sun protection, Elderly, Gastric bypass surgery, Overweight need higher amounts, Inflammatory bowel diseases, Medications: phenytoin, orlistat
• Zinc:
Busy lifestyle leading to poor diet choices, malnutrition, alcoholism, chronic kidney disease, Inflammatory bowel diseases, Short bowel syndrome

The body is not able to make Vitamin C and zinc on its own. It does not store vitamin C either.
Supplementing is one way to ensure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals where modern lifestyle have left many struggling to eat healthy food.
Immunity Booster
Natural Supplement
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