Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Mon - Sat: 8.00am - 5.00pm

Bad Breath

Just like the name goes, bad breath is a disease that is associated with a bad smell which comes out when one opens their mouth to eat, speak or socialize.
Colvee Mouthwash pack

What Causes Bad Breath?

1. Poor oral health care:
Accumulation of plaque & calculus, odor-causing bacteria on the tongue and improperly cleaned dentures.
2. Gum or periodontal disease, dental caries & tooth abscess
3. Dry mouth (Xerostomia):
Due to certain medicines, salivary gland disorder, or by always breathing through the mouth instead of the nose.
4.Tobacco products:
Cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco & snuff.
5.Health conditions:
Digestion problems, cough cold, sinusitis & oral cancer.

Management of Bad Breath

- Finding the cause of the bad breath is the first step towards treating this preventable condition.
- Dental Check-ups: every 6 months to ensure your mouth is healthy, & to catch any issue early.
- Bad breath can be prevented with a proper oral hygiene routine:
1. Brushing twice daily.
2. Flossing.
3. Rinsing with a deep cleaning mouthwash; COLVEE® MOUTHWASH to kill odor-producing bacteria.
Brush twice daily
Floss your teeth
Colvee Mouthwash pack
Rinse with Colvee® Mouth wash
Just like water flossers, COLVEE® MOUTHWASH is good at getting in the small spaces between teeth, where toothbrushes cannot reach.
COLVEE® MOUTHWASH has been shown to reduce the accumulation of plaque, prevent gingivitis and reduce the risk of periodontal disease.
COLVEE® MOUTHWASH also kills the bacteria responsible for causing bad breath while making your mouth feel cleaner and fresher.
Colvee Mouthwash-the-cheapest-mouthwash-in-Kenya
Get's in small spaces toothbrushes can't
Kills all bacteria causing gum disease
Scientificall-backed Product

Preparing to go the Supplement way?
What you need to know.

Dietary supplements are products containing ingredients like vitamins, minerals & botanicals.Supplements add nutrients or other compounds to our bodies.
Colvee Mouthwash pack

Scientifically Backed Product

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WhatsApp or call 0103826866 to place your order.