Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Mon - Sat: 8.00am - 5.00pm

Am I

The information gathered can help confirm the cause of health concerns or rule out any potential concerns and help you better understand where you are with your health.

Help Us Understand You Better

If you are 18 years or older help us better understand how you’ve been feeling over the last 2 weeks.
NOTE: If you are struggling, it is not intended to replace a consultation with a Physician.

Alicton Limited

Preparing to go the Supplement way?
What you need to know.

Dietary supplements are products containing ingredients like vitamins, minerals & botanicals.Supplements add nutrients or other compounds to our bodies.

Fill the form below to assess whether you are depressed or not

Start Your Journey Towards a Lifelong Health & Wellness

Call or Whatsapp 0103826866 now to get our low price products!

Free Delivery Upon Order

Visit your nearest Pharmacy or call 0103826866 for assistance.