Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Mon - Sat: 8.00am - 5.00pm

Health &

As medical innovations drive new, more complex drugs, pharmacy requires more specialized tools and expertise to help manage the patient’s treatment journey.
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Science-Backed Supplements

As medical innovations drive new, more complex drugs, pharmacy requires more specialized tools and expertise to help manage the patient’s treatment journey.
With our trusted regulatory experience, insights, and deep industry expertise, we help source and distribute products that meet the demand for value-driven, comprehensive healthcare solutions.

View some of our health & wellness products


Ayuvit® Joint Supplement

Glucosamine 500mg, Chondroitin 200mg, MSM 200mg, Calcium 250mg & Vitamin D3 125 IU
1.Formation of cartilage (joint building block).
2.Formation of collagen (collagen supports cartilage).
3.Calcium & vitamin D work together to build & maintain healthy bones.
4.Supports mobility, comfort, strength, flexibility & bone health.
5.Supports healthy hair & skin.

Try It today… YOU will be so happy YOU did away with back, neck, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, joints, & muscles pain.

Colvee® Nerve Plus Supplement

B Complex & Alpha lipoic acid
With consistent daily use, COLVEE® NERVE+ is designed to provide you with deep soothing & calming for your nerves.

This is the neuropathy Add-on Therapy you have been waiting for… START NOW… and join the 1000’s of happy clients who enjoy improved nerve health naturally.

Colvee® Mouthwash 150ML

0.2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate Antiseptic Mouthwash 150ml
Kills harmful bacteria, virus & fungi on your teeth, gums & tongue.
1.Protects from gum disease (gingivitis & periodontitis), tooth decay & bad breath.
2.Helps mouth ulcers (cancer sores) heal more quickly.
3.Relieves sore throat symptoms.
4.Before & After a tooth extraction or oral surgery (24 hours after the procedure).
5.Protects gums of denture wearers & keeps the dentures clean
6.Maintenance of dental implants.

Restore your smile & confidence with our professional-grade Mouthwash.

Colvee® Colic Drops

Simethicone 40mg, Fennel & Dill Oil Drops
1.Indigestion in infants & children.
2.Stopping the formation of gas & facilitating the expulsion
3.Relieving symptoms of constipation.
4.Baby hiccups in case of too much swallowed air.

Colic may go away by the time your baby is 4 months old. Until then, use Colvee® colic aid drops.

Ayuvit® Appetite Plus Syrup

Cyproheptadine with Vitamin B-Complex
1.Appetite Booster weight gain stimulant
2.Energy production by aiding metabolism 
3.Perennial & seasonal allergic rhinitis
4.Vasomotor rhinitis
5.Cold urticaria
6.Dermatographism; urticaria eruption upon pressure or trauma to the skin
7.Nutritional deficiency 

Alicton® Ear Drops Spray

Benzocaine 2.7 %, Para Dichlorobenzene 2 %, Turpentine Oil 15 %, Chlorbutol 5 %w/v & Olive oil as carrier oil
Wax removal.
Minor ear infection: possess antibacterial, antifungal, & soothing Properties.
Formulated with local anesthetic to relieve minor ear pain & itching.
Designed to Support Healthy Ears.
Spray action helps flush trapped water or debris from the ear.

Ayuvit® Cough Syrup

Simethicone 40mg, Fennel & Dill Oil Drops
1.Have demulcent properties & help soothe irritated sore throat.
2.Block sensory cough receptors.
3.Relieves coughs, soothes & cools nasal passages


Call 0103 826 866! now to get it with our low-low price!

Colvee® Effervescent Tablets

Vitamin C1000mg, Vitamin D1000 IU plus Zinc 15mg
1.Improves body’s immune system
2.Keeps skin healthy: neutralize oxidative stress caused by free radicals.Prolonged exposure to air pollutants, Cigarette smoke, chemicals, ultraviolet (UV) rays, or blue light from laptops & other devices can lead to the formation of free radicals & other reactive oxygen species (ROS).
3.Helps with wound healing
4.Helps target signs of aging


Start Your Journey Towards a Lifelong Health & Wellness

Call or Whatsapp 0103826866 now to get our low price products!